Dues & Donations


  • Single membership is $45
  • Couple membership is $60
  • Single Patron membership is $80
  • Couple Patron membership is $100
  • Single session admission is $10

Become a Patron Member! Or join as a regular member if you prefer, but do join for the season. A year’s membership offers benefits that are not available to those who participate on a single-session basis. In addition to the cost savings, members receive notices of each meeting, and they may also borrow vocal scores during the week preceding any session. Your dues help the organization cover operating expenses.

Instrumentalists and soloists are welcome to join, but they will play in the orchestra or appear as soloists by invitation only, according to the requirements of the work. There is no charge for students, nor is there a charge for guests who come only to listen, but a donation is requested if they take refreshments.

To become a member, fill out a membership card.  The amount of patron’s dues over the regular dues is tax deductible, as are all contributions to PSMA. Send the card and a check for dues/donations made out to Princeton Society of Musical Amateurs or PSMA to:

Princeton Society of Musical Amateurs
c/o Georg Huellstrunk
50 Dogwood Hill
Princeton, NJ 08540

Donation checks should indicate whether this gift is for the operating fund or the JM Knapp Endowment Fund. Donations to the Operating Fund pay for renting the performance space, mailings, refreshments, and insurance. Donations for the JM Knapp Endowment Fund go to purchasing and renting musical scores.

PSMA is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Further questions about the Society may be addressed to Marilee Thompson, President at (609) 466-4479 or email to musical.amateurs@gmail.com.